Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2241-3022 ( Print )   |   2241-312X ( Online )   Active

Journal Business and Entrepreneurship Journal

Aim & Scope

Business & Entrepreneurship Journal (BEJ) will publish original papers which contribute to the advancement of the field of entrepreneurship and the interface between management and entrepreneurship, as well as articles on business corporate strategy and government economic policy. On occasions, the journal will also feature case studies of successful firms or other cases having important practical implications. The journal will publish papers that show depth, rigour, originality and high standards of presentation. Submission of a paper will imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. The following list is indicative, not exhaustive, of the topics within the scope of BEJ: Entrepreneurship theories and conceptualizations, Entrepreneurship research methods, Innovation and technology entrepreneurs, Family entrepreneurship, networks, teams and alliances, Venture capital and angel investor groups, Entrepreneurial communities, hubs, clusters and public policy, Social entrepreneurship, International and emerging market entrepreneurship, Corporate entrepreneurship, Law and entrepreneurship, Microeconomic analyses of economic development, Development planning and policy, Economic and social impacts of e-entrepreneurship and innovation, Business-to-Business and Marketing. [1]

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