Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2674-0850 ( Online )   Active

Journal Frontiers in Drug Delivery

Aim & Scope

Frontiers in Drug Delivery aims to be the leading international journal in drug delivery, publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research ranging from basic concepts at a cell and tissue level through to translational outcomes for drug formulations and formulations combined with devices. Its six Specialty Sections cover key delivery routes (oral, brain targeting, ocular, and dermatological) as well as a focus on important specific disease or product areas where delivery can play an important role (cardiovascular drug delivery and vaccine delivery), a hybrid model. Its flexible structure will allow addition of new Specialty Sections as drug delivery science further develops. Drug delivery is practiced by multi-disciplinary teams across academia and industry. It has relied traditionally on expertise drawn from pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacology and physiology, bioengineering, material science, medicinal chemistry, tissue engineering, mathematical modelling, and clinical trial design. To these disciplines can be added artificial intelligence research to trigger drug release and to provide feedback to remote systems, as well as computational design of formulation components, 3-D printing of tablets and implants, and sophisticated in silico and in vitro assays of drug performance in body compartments. Frontiers in Drug Delivery will therefore provide an all-encompassing Open Access resource for original high quality delivery research which is currently splintered across more than a dozen journals. With the unique collaborative role of referees in the process of producing final articles for Frontiers, readers can be assured of transparent processes leading to high-quality articles, reviews, Insights, and Research Topics in drug delivery upon which the Frontiers franchise has built its reputation over the past fourteen years. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 4
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