Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2752-6739 ( Print )   |   2752-6747 ( Online )   Active

Journal Drugs, Habits and Social Policy

Aim & Scope

Drugs, Habits and Social Policy (DHS) is a quarterly, international, peer-reviewed journal publishing research and theoretical contributions in the field of drug use and policy. The journal provides a platform for the dissemination of the current social drug policy research and seeks to stimulate critical debates about social, health and political consequences and contexts of drug use. DHSP aims to highlight cultural, social and material contexts of drug use, policy, and professional practices. We welcome submissions that highlight the lived experiences of people who use drugs and engage with evidence of harm reduction. National and international policy frameworks developed to control the production, distribution and use of psychoactive substances, both legal and illegal, are of particular interest. The journal aims to contribute to the critical debate on the international drug control regime, the dominant problematisation and medicalisation of drug use and the criminalisation of people who use drugs. In this mission, we also welcome practitioner papers that specifically address professionals and users engaged in drug services and the development of harm reduction initiatives on global and local scales. DHSP is committed to the use of sensitive and inclusive language and encourages submissions that are critical of disease-informed models of drug use. It is our aim to provide a platform for open and mindful reflections in high-quality research about drugs from across the world. DHSP welcomes original research articles using qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods designs, practitioner papers, policy papers, brief study reports and commentaries. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2004  -  2021  ) Drugs and Alcohol Today (  2022  -  9999  ) Drugs, Habits and Social Policy
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