Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2948-104X ( Print )   |   2948-1058 ( Online )   Active

Journal Clinical Epileptology

Aim & Scope

The aim of Clinical Epileptology is the presentation and discussion of current epileptological knowledge in German-speaking countries with a focus on clinically relevant topics. Epileptological basic findings and research results are also taken into account. Clinical Epileptology is primarily aimed at physicians in the fields of neurology and pediatrics with a special interest in epileptological diagnostics and therapy. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2001  -  2022  ) Zeitschrift für Epileptologie (  2023  -  9999  ) Clinical Epileptology
24 RESULTS in 20 msec

Epilepsie und dissoziative Anfälle

J Opp , M Schöndienst , K Kreul , ... , B Frank-Job

Clinical Epileptology , 2024


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