Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2834-2860 ( Print )   |   2834-2879 ( Online )   Active


Aim & Scope

iRADIOLOGY is a high-quality peer-reviewed open access journal covering key topics in all aspects of radiology and related multidisciplinary research which involve the development and application of radiology techniques to achieve precision medicine and precision health. The journal provides an excellent platform for rapid academic exchanges of the most recent development and future directions in the aforementioned research fields. Currently, iRADIOLOGY is published quarterly. iRADIOLOGY focuses on basic, translational and clinical research progress on functional and molecular imaging and imaging based therapeutics. It publishes original and high quality papers that contribute to the research in biomedical imaging, development and application of new technologies, functional and molecular imaging and artificial intelligence fields as detailed below. Biomedical imaging, functional and molecular imaging, and multimodality imaging, e.g. X-rays, CT, MRI, US, SPECT, PET, Optical imaging, Photoacoustic Imaging. Clinical radiology, e.g. Neuroradiology, head and neck radiology, thoracic radiology, breast radiology, abdominal radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, urogenital radiology, pediatric radiology, interventional radiology. Molecular probe, theranostics and nanomedicine, biomaterials. Image processing and visualization. Application of computer technology in radiology: AI assisted radiology, computer assisted diagnosis and radiation therapy. [1]

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