Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2795-4757 ( Print )   |   2795-4765 ( Online )   Active

Journal Political Observer : Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política

Aim & Scope

Political Observer, formerly and nationally known as the Portuguese Journal of Political Science, is a peer reviewed journal that provides an outlet for an interdisciplinary and international exploration of the meaning, function and impact of political standards. The focus of the journal is on political observation on how political factors (state forms, wars, boundaries) and cultural factors (language, music, gender, religion, media, etc.) contribute to the formation and expression on how politics is understood and on how these factors have been shaped and changed over time. The historical significance of the relation between political and cultural terms is considered in relationship to other important and in some cases countervailing forms of identity such as religion, region, nation or class. The variety of viewpoints published in the journal engenders a multifaceted understanding of political identity, and the journal therefore welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines, including literature, history, geography, religion and sociology, among others social sciences. Comparative perspectives are encouraged, and the journal features regular review essays as well as book reviews. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2010  -  2022  ) Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política (  2022  -  9999  ) Political Observer : Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política
2024 - ISSUE 20
6 RESULTS in 14 msec

Understanding the War (volume II)

C Montalvão Sarmento

Political Observer : Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política , 2024 - ISSUE 20


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