Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2146-8311 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science

Aim & Scope

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Science is an International peer-reviewed journal which aims to cover all aspects of Environmental and Occupatinal Issues. In details topics are: Air pollution and health effects; Dust, Asbestos, Silicosis; Biological risk factors and hazards; Biomonitoring; Chemical risk factors and hazards; Child labour; Climate, climate change and health; Cost-effectiveness studies and economic analyses; Country profiles (environmental & occupational); Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases; Environmental health and medicine; Environmental pollutants; Ergonomic risk factors and hazards; Exposure to chemicals and hazardous substances; Flight health; Gender and occupational health; Global burden of disease; Health workers; Healthy homes & places; HIV/AIDS in the workplace; Human resources; Natural disasters; Noise; Nutiritional health; Pesticides; Physical risk factors and hazards; Psychosocial risk factors and hazards; Radiation; Occupational risk management; Ship health; Smoking & tobacco use; Stress at the workplace; Toxic substances & hazardous wastes; Water pollution and health effects; Workplace health promotion. [1]

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2022 - VOLUME 12, ISSUE 2