Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2329-4175 ( Print )   |   2377-0996 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics

Aim & Scope

Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics publishes high quality original research on applied and theoretical issues related to self-governance as a form of power relations and as an ethical strategy of freedom (Foucault), the centrality of individual self-governance to collective self-governance in democracy, self-governance in the management of the social institutions, and the possible impact of different forms of self-governance. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics focuses on the relationships, structures, and principles of self-governance, the rise of the politics of self-governance, potential benefits of self-governance for the enhancement of democratic governance, the ability to govern democratic-self governance, and the conditions under which self-governance becomes institutionalized. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 12, ISSUE 3
1 RESULTS in 8 msec

Fortress America, Civil Unrest and Red Lines in The Sand

No authors listed.

Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics , 2024 - VOLUME 12, ISSUE 3 , p 9.


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