Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2520-5277 ( Print )   |   2520-5285 ( Online )   Active

Journal East African Health Research Journal

Aim & Scope

The East African Health Research Journal (EAHRJ) is a no-fee, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published at Established by the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) of the East African Community (EAC;, the primary aim of the journal is to present evidence that can be the basis for better health policy and practice in the countries of the EAC. Specifically, the journal aims to: Represent the East African perspective on health and health related-issues; Provide information that is relevant to the EAC; Be a platform for sharing and dissemination of knowledge; Enable scholarly recognition of professionals and institutions; Support professionals’ career development; Provide forum for health professionals from East Africa to be more visible globally; Provide direction in setting up health priorities in the region. The EAHRJ will promote and facilitate the application of knowledge from research to strengthen national and regional health policy and practice; development of human-resource capacities and skills; exchange and dissemination of health-research information; and advocacy of evidence generated from health research. Issues of the journal will include original articles, reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, supplementary issues, and reports, and cover a broad range of health and related aspects, including medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, veterinary science, food science, environment, health-related agriculture science, and public health. The EAHRJ will be published three times a year online, at, and in hard copy. Hard copies will be distributed to all relevant stakeholders, such as government institutions and organisations, research institutions, academic institutions, relevant NGOs, civil society organisations, etc. We expect that this journal will add value to the various initiatives taken to improve health and wellbeing of the people of East Africa and the world in general. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2
20 RESULTS in 12 msec

Women’s Perception of Using Modern Family Planning Methods in Wete District, Pemba, Tanzania

No authors listed.

East African Health Research Journal , 2023 - VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2


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Trend Analysis of Maternal Mortality in Kenya: Post-Devolution Empirical Results

No authors listed.

East African Health Research Journal , 2023 - VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2


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