Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2226-3284 ( Print )   |   2572-5181 ( Online )   Active

Journal Muthanna Journal of Pure Science

Aim & Scope

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science (MJPS) is one of Al-Muthanna University journals that are issued in collaboration with BM-Publisher. MJPS is international open access peer reviewed online journal for publishing articles that emphasize the pure science and their applications .This Journal cover the scientific ideas and approaches including but not limited to the following fields : Physics; Biology; Chemistry; Mathematics; Geology; Computer Science and Technology. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2
6 RESULTS in 20 msec

Employing LIBS Technology to Investigate the Thermal Influence onPlasma Parameter Analysis in Pb Metal Model

No authors listed.

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science , 2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 1-8.


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Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis Water Quality in Diwaniyah Governorate/ Iraq

No authors listed.

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science , 2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 9-26.


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Investigating the Relationship between Zinc Deficiency andRenal Failure using Laser-Induced breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS)

No authors listed.

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science , 2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 27-36.


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The Molecular Efficacy of CRISPR-Cas9 in TreatingAlzheimer’s Disease

No authors listed.

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science , 2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 37-48.


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Investigation of the preparation pH value influence on the single step silica Aerogel monolith porosity

No authors listed.

Muthanna Journal of Pure Science , 2023 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 49-61.


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