Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1686-5456 ( Print )   |   2408-2384 ( Online )   Active

Journal Environment and Natural Resources Journal

Aim & Scope

The Environment and Natural Resources Journal (Environ. Nat. Resource. J.) is a peer-reviewed and freely available online journal, published biannually by the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. The journal publishes the original research articles, short communications and review articles in all areas of environmental science and natural resource management with emphasis on Asia and Southeast Asia. All articles are considered for publication in this journal with the understanding that they must not be previously published in another journal or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The journal follows the double-blind peer review process to maintain the quality in the published articles. The submitted manuscripts are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers in the relevant fields and must be approved by the editorial board before being accepted for publication. [1]

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