Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2519-8521 ( Print )   |   2520-2588 ( Online )   Active

Journal Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems

Aim & Scope

Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems publishes peer-reviewed original research and review articles across all aspects of regulatory mechanisms in biological systems from the molecular level of organisation to the level of the organism. This journal mostly focuses on physiological mechanisms of regulation of metabolic processes, biochemical and physiological features of any species including human beings. This journal covers a wide range of regulatory mechanisms in biological systems that are associated both with natural processes and those transformed under the influence of chemicals and drugs, and any other man-made factors. We will publish papers concerned solely with clinical case studies and clinical trials if such articles address important questions in Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems focuses on good-quality research, reporting scientifically sound observations and valid conclusions, which bring new and important information to the attention of the wider international scientific community. The journal publishes contributions in the following basic areas: biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, cell biology, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, toxicology. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2010  -  2016  ) Bulletin of Dnepropetrovsk University - Series : Biology, Medicine (  2017  -  9999  ) Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems
2024 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1
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