Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2031-3098 ( Print )   |   2507-0312 ( Online )   Active

Journal In Monte Artium

Aim & Scope

The journal In Monte Artium offers papers which in one way or another relate to the ancient or modern book collections or to any other document kept in one of the heritage collections of the Royal Library of Belgium (manuscripts, prints & drawings, maps, coins & medals, etc.). The academic contributions deal with book history and book production as well as all aspects of technical innovations relating to the development of modern research libraries. [1]

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2023 - ISSUE 15
8 RESULTS in 15 msec

Un livre du chapitre de la Chartreuse de Chercq (Bruxelles, KBR, ms. 3930-31)

No authors listed.

In Monte Artium , 2023 - ISSUE 15


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Mmmonk: Digital Innovation and Public Outreach with Medieval Monastic Manuscripts

No authors listed.

In Monte Artium , 2023 - ISSUE 15


0 0


Een snuifdoos van de graveur Heylbrouck

No authors listed.

In Monte Artium , 2023 - ISSUE 15


0 0


Belgian Social Media Archiving Initiatives Mapped

No authors listed.

In Monte Artium , 2023 - ISSUE 15


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