Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2353-6942 ( Print )   |   2354-0265 ( Online )   Active

Journal Health Problems of Civilization

Aim & Scope

Health Problems of Civilization (quarterly) is a continuation of the Human and Health journal (ISSN 2082-7288), published in the years 2010-2013. The journal is exclusively published in the English language (abstract, title and keywords in Polish). The articles concerns several theme areas covering topics such as biomedical aspects of health, new diseases, physical activity or health-related behaviours. The mission of our journal is to popularize knowledge in the field of human health in the face of the dynamic changes in modern life caused by the development of civilization, industrialization, urbanization and environmental change. The accelerated progress in civilization (mainly industrialization, urbanization and environmental changes, new trends in diet and lifestyle as well as improvement in the quality of life) often affects human health negatively. Accordingly, the journal publishes articles divided into three thematic sections: "Diseases and problems distinguished by the WHO and FAO", "Physical activity of social and professional groups" and "Other". The journal also welcomes submissions on one selected issue in a thematically chosen area, such as Lyme disease, tuberculosis, physical activity or obesity, if it becomes a current focus in the scientific community. Journal’s title and its thematic scope Epidemiological data indicate an increase in diseases classified as civilization. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight, obesity and cancer. In the face of growing health risks, both national programs and research programs are being launched to address such aspects as prevention and education of the public with a view to avoiding risk factors, early diagnosis and consequently therapy. Over the past 20 years, more than 30 new highly infectious diseases have been identified worldwide. Therefore, the Health Problems of Civilization journal provides an opportunity to publish articles on current issues, prophylaxis and health education as well as adverse health outcomes. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2010  -  2013  ) Human and Health (  2014  -  9999  ) Health Problems of Civilization
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