Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2011-4532 ( Print )   |   2463-1469 ( Online )   Active

Journal Eleuthera

Aim & Scope

Eleuthera Magazine, Iberoamerican Journal of Human and Social Development, is a scientific journal that circulates every six months at the national and international level, attached to the Department of Human Development of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Caldas. Receive articles in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish on original and unpublished research that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and academic-scientific discussion in social sciences and particularly, in the areas of human development and social development. The Eleuthera Magazineit is constituted in a space where academics and professionals can publish articles of investigation, reflection or revision, in topics such as: human development, democracy and citizenship; diversity and social justice; approaches in social work: research and professional practice. The Journal is published in printed and digital format (PDF). The purpose of the Eleuthera Magazineis to become a space for transit, the meeting and debate of knowledge and questions arising in research processes and thus nurturing the training processes of pre and postgraduate, the formulation of social projects and the knowledge cycle from the production until the social appropriation of it. The Journal regarding the production of knowledge: recognizes and values ​​the participation of diverse subjects in social research; it is plural in terms of epistemological and methodological approaches; recognizes the indissoluble implication between ethics, politics, practice and the production of knowledge; considers research results as a process and not as a finished product; [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2
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Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2


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Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2


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J Quintero Gaviria

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 7-9.


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Identidad social: el profesor de primaria y secundaria en Colombia 1811-1953

R Torrejano-Vargas , H Bocanegra-Acosta

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 13-35.


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Educación y formación docente frente a la paz:un estado del arte

Y Loaiza-Zuluaga , M Vallejo-Espitia

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 37-59.


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Elementos para una reflexión crítica sobre el Estado en tiempos de crisis estructural del capital

Y Fallas-Jiménez

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 83-96.


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Cuerpos gestantes: aspectos biopolíticos en torno al embarazo en tres películas costarricenses

C Retana

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 101-118.


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La visita como esfera de saber en trabajo social. Lectura comprensiva al acto de visitación

V Yáñez-Pereira

Eleuthera , 2023 - VOLUME 25, ISSUE 2 , pp 147-170.


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