Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2051-6614 ( Online )   |   2051-6622 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Organizational Effectiveness : People and Performance

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance (JOEPP) aims to attract papers in the field of human resource management that: Focus on the role of people in organizational effectiveness; Adopt a broad definition of performance, beyond just financial performance, and tapping into the achievement of important distal strategic outcomes (such as innovation, customer centricity, operational excellence, globalization) and into the intermediate performance outcomes necessary to achieve these; Foster cross-disciplinary insight into the people management implications of these performance challenges; Forge points of common understanding and informing respective disciplines of knowledge that can be co-opted and applied to new settings. JOEPP includes papers which provide synthetic and state-of-the-art reviews, conceptual pieces, and quantitative and qualitative studies on performance and people management process issues. It carrys research that provides integrative reviews and critiques of existing theory and practice. To address the multiple-levels of analysis challenge it publishes research papers that tackle performance issues that have relevance at the individual, team, function, organization and societal (policy) level. A wide range of papers with strong methodology would be welcome from empirical to conceptual and review papers from the disciplines of management, HR, OS and social sciences. [1]

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