Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2211-7938 ( Online )   |   2211-7946 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing

Aim & Scope

The International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC) aims at covering state-of-the-art research and development in all aspects of networked distributed systems: why, what and how. As a driving force behind the ongoing technological revolution , Networked and Distributed Computing has been transforming just about every part of the world we live in, the way we coordinate and communicate, the way we identify problems and solve them, and the way we entertain and enjoy our lives, and the way we perceive our future. Networked and Distributed Computing has touched on a wide range of issues, with significant implications, from communication protocols to the Internet, smartphones, pervasive and ubiquitous cities, etc. As there are numerous benefits of Networked and Distributed Computing, so are crucial challenges with it. Networked and Distributed Computing should be more broadly applied to a variety of areas, such as robots, nano-technology, space/sea exploration, (Green) energy management, etc. Ultimately Networked and Distributed Computing should lead to a better future, where distributed systems should help people achieve their goals, in an interoperable, secure, fast, usable and useful manner. Networked and Distributed Computing should answer what it is that we need, why we need it, and how we can achieve it. The journal publishes original papers on both theory and practice that address foundations, state-of-the-art problems and solutions, crucial challenges and implications about Networked and Distributed Computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, communication protocols – wired or wireless, collaborative computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, Internet computing, smartphone computing, and applications of Networked and Distributed Computing to health-care, education, nano-technology, space/sea exploration, energy management, entertainment, etc. Topics also include techniques and methodologies for modeling, developing, validating, maintaining, and reengineering Networked and Distributed Computing software systems and their environments. The journal publishes original research papers, surveys, and reports of practical experience. Occasionally, special issues will be published on topics of particular interest, and proposals for such issues will be invited accordingly. Methodologies: Object-oriented methodologies; Goal-oriented methodologies; Agent-oriented methodologies; Ontology-driven methodologies; Qualitative reasoning; Quantitative reasoning; Evidential, Probabilistic, Hybrid reasoning; Chaos theory. Domains of application: Control Systems; Consumer electronics; Cyber-physical systems; Decision support systems; E-science and technology; Expert systems; Human-machine interface; Information systems; Intelligent knowledge retrieval, Knowledge visualization; Multimedia; Operating systems; Signal or image processing, Pattern recognition; Real-time embedded systems; Robotics; Virtual reality; Nano-technology; Telecommunications; Grid computing; Cloud computing; Pervasive/Ubiquitous systems; Web-based systems; Internet; Smartphone; Healthcare; Energy management. [1]

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