Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2392-1641 ( Print )   |   2450-0097 ( Online )   Active

Journal Economics and Business Review

Aim & Scope

The Economics and Business Review (earlier as the Poznan University of Economics Review) has been published by Poznań University of Economics since 2001. It is a quarterly journal focusing on theoretical and applied research in the fields of economics, management and finance. The Journal welcomes the submission of high quality articles dealing with micro, mezzo and macro issues well founded in modern theories and relevant to an international audience. The EBR’s goal is to provide a platform for academicians all over the world to share, discuss and integrate state-of-the-art economics, finance and management thinking with special focus on new market economies. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2001  -  2014  ) Poznan University of Economics Review (  2015  -  9999  ) Economics and Business Review
2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2
7 RESULTS in 10 msec

Taxation of public pensions in European Union countries

M Cieślukowski

Economics and Business Review , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2


0 0


Personal bankruptcy prediction using machine learning techniques

M Brygała , T Korol

Economics and Business Review , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2


0 46