Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2377-3634 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research is a global peer reviewed open access journal that emphasis on the different aspects of clinical diabetes. It highlights the investigative reports focusing on areas such as the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications, normal and pathologic pancreatic islet function and intermediary metabolism, pharmacological mechanisms of drug and hormone action, and biochemical and molecular aspects of normal and abnormal biological processes. Clinical Diabetes acts as platform for the diabetes health care practitioners and clinicians to represent their Original Work, Reviews, Commentaries, Shorts Communications, Letters, Oral Presentations and Case Studies. The classification terms include but not limited to Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Insulin Resistance, Insulinotherapy, Endocrinology, Gestational Diabetes, Prediabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetic Risk Factors, Blood Glucose Dynamics and Diabetes-Therapeutic approaches. [1]

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