Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2055-7752 ( Print )   |   2055-7760 ( Online )   Active

Journal East Asian Pragmatics (EAP)

Aim & Scope

The peer-reviewed journal East Asian Pragmatics (EAP) focuses on language use and interpersonal interaction within and across East Asian cultures, including national cultures such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, as well as ethnic minority, regional and other localised cultures, communities of practice, relational networks and other groupings including diasporic communities. The journal aims to broaden understandings of language use within the East Asian region, and also to contribute to pragmatics in a broader sense by using East Asian data. The journal welcomes contributions on a broad range of pragmatics-related topics such as speech-acts, deixis, presupposition, reference, forms of address, face, (im)politeness, the construction of identity in interaction, conventionalised and ritual forms of language use, humour, conflict, indirectness, just to name a few, within a broad range of settings and naturally-occurring data-types such as computer-mediated communication, media discourses, ad hoc conversations, and historical documents. The examination of these topics and data types is not only relevant to the pragmatics community, but also to academic readers from other disciplines within linguistics and humanities in general, and ‘lay’ readers and students who have intercultural or other interests in East Asia. Accordingly, the journal not only pursues research on East Asian language use per se, but it also focuses on cross-cultural and intercultural issues, which is a pivotal area considering the importance of the East Asia region within the global arena. [1]

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