Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2287-1780 ( Print )   |   2287-1772 ( Online )   Active

Journal Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science

Aim & Scope

Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science (Korean J Food Cook Sci, KJFCS)’ is the official journal of the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science, which was established in 1984 and was first published in 1985 as the ‘Journal of Korean Society of Food Science’ and changed its name to ‘Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science’ in November 2008 since the name of the society was changed to Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science in January 2007. The aims of KJFCS is to contribute further the scientific development, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge concerning food science and food preparation innovation in order to promote healthful living and general social welfare. Its publication type includes original research articles, research notes and reviews. However, review articles can be received only if commissioned by the Editorial Board. The journal's scopes are specified as following in the main field of food cookery and application. Other scopes of the journals are foodservice, food culture, dietary life education, applied food science and nutrition, and related academic disciplines. Specified journal scope categories including the main field of food cookery application are as followings: 1) Food cookery and application (experimental food preparation, cooking methods, food chemistry, food processing, preservation, composition, functional foods, microbiology and fermentation, antioxidant, and application) 2) Foodservice (food production, quality control, food safety, satisfaction and consumption patterns) 3) Food culture (traditional culinary culture, study of old culinary papers, recognition of Korean foods) 4) Dietary life education (dietary life status, dietary education) 5) Applied food science and nutrition. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1985  -  2007  ) Journal of Korean Society of Food Science (  2007  -  9999  ) Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science
2024 - VOLUME 40, ISSUE 2
8 RESULTS in 17 msec

갓의 품종 및 수확시기에 따른 항산화 항균의 특성분석

의 김 , 성 김 , 은 류 , ... , 수 이

Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science , 2024 - VOLUME 40, ISSUE 2 , pp 77-85.


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