Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1125-1964 ( Print )   |   2038-5587 ( Online )   Active

Journal Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of Applied Statistics

Aim & Scope

Founded in 1967 with the name "Rivista di Statistica Applicata" and renewed in 1989 when it was given its current name, the Italian Journal of Applied Statistics is a quarterly leading journal to foster the results of studies – empirical, methodological, computational and epistemological – in the field of applied statistics. These studies encompass the whole spectrum of human, social, technological and environmental sciences, including the planning and evaluation of systems, services and policies, and the municipal, regional, national and international organizations. Topics covered include health, education and welfare, employment, jobs and careers, cultures, minorities, social customs and social deviations, inequality and poverty, leisure, sports, the natural environment, production technology, communication and the information society. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1967  -  1988  ) Rivista di Statistica Applicata (  1989  -  9999  ) Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of Applied Statistics
2010 - VOLUME 22, ISSUE 1