Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2639-6378 ( Online )   Active

Journal Delaware Journal of Public Health

Aim & Scope

The Delaware Journal of Public Health is published five times per year, and is the signature peer-reviewed journal of the Academy/DPHA. The DJPH is an electronic-only publication, produced to be platform-agnostic (visible on any device with any operating system as long as it has internet access), and dynamic with links out to other resources. Unlike a hardcopy publication, the DJPH can connect directly to other resources, studies, events, etc. as determined by the authors. We believe this model is in keeping with the times and patterns of access by our readership. It is also eco-friendly, and respects limited resources. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2
9 RESULTS in 15 msec

In This Issue

O Khan , K Smith

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , p 3.


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An Introduction to the Violence Issue

DD Chen

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , p 4.


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Implications of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood

K Oberheim , J Barlow , E Nescott

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 6-8.


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It Takes a Village

C Hall-Hipkins , G Angalet , D Dillard

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 10-15.


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Celebrating Fifty Years of Crime Victims’ Compensation in Delaware

PJ Schmittinger

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 18-19.


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Understanding the Perception of Place and Its Impact on Community Violence

D Dillard , H Henderson , J Rice , ... , M Mangum

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 46-49.


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Can Past Psychedelic Use Mitigate the Severity of Opioid Use Disorder?

A Trimzi , M Campbell

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 50-52.


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A Safer Delaware

TM Murphy , S Stowens

Delaware Journal of Public Health , 2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 , pp 54-57.


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