Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2662-6802 ( Print )   |   2096-3041 ( Online )   Active

Journal Built Heritage

Aim & Scope

Built Heritage aims to enhance pluralism and criticism in debates on heritage conservation and revitalization with a globalized perspective. The conceptual basis of this refereed journal lies on the fundamental cultural differences concerning built heritage conservation, recognizing these differences as a source for creativity and a motivation for cutting-edge experimentation. It fosters scientific exchange between Chinese and international scholars and practitioners, offering a platform to record the latest developments in the field. Encouraging international authorship and evaluation, it allows for the homologation of research and practice with regards to cultural diversity. Built Heritage promotes the awareness for built heritage conservation in China and internationally, inviting scholars to reflect on current hot topics discussions as: the role of contemporary architecture in historic environments; the balance between conservation and development; new tools of heritage management; policy, culture and identity; energy consumption and sustainability. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: history and theory, that is, the critical reflection and theoretical construction of the discipline; research on conservation projects focusing on their design, implementation, control and management; heritage management based on the acknowledgement of the roles that different stakeholders play, from policy making and resource investment to social participation and public dissemination. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1
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