Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2590-2601 ( Online )   Active

Journal Methods in Psychology

Aim & Scope

Methods in Psychology considers articles on new, updated, adapted or innovative research methodologies and methods, analytical methods, and research practices across the breadth of psychological research. Articles can be specific to a single sub-discipline of psychology or have relevance to the entire field. We encourage the integration and adaption of methods, methodologies and analytic approaches from one area of psychology or field of research to another, and the adaptation of methods from other disciplines which have relevance for psychological research practice. The journal considers research methods across the whole spectrum, and welcomes articles which take a quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods approach to research. The journal solicits original theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles that have psychological relevance discussing new innovative applications or adaptations of methodologies and methods, or articles offering reviews of important methodological issues and innovations. The journal aims to be the leading forum for psychology researchers from all areas of psychology, and seeks to offer original and ground-breaking articles on research methods that advance the field. The intended audience for journal content is academics, researchers, students and practitioners across diverse fields of psychology who seek relevant and informative content on the latest in research methods and research practices. The journal does not seek to publish technical research articles for specialist methodologists, or to publish research where research methods and practices are not the primary focus. Submissions should make explicit how the theories, methods and procedures they discuss enhance the quality and value of psychological research, and should be written to be accessible to a wide non-technical audience across psychology. [1]

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10 RESULTS in 16 msec

Statistical approaches to interpret multiple regression results

L Ziglari

Methods in Psychology , 2024 , p 100136.


0 0


Questionnaire, Rating Scale and Checklist – how do they differ?

M Philip

Methods in Psychology , 2024 , p 100145.


0 16