Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2666-7215 ( Online )   Active

Journal Project Leadership and Society

Aim & Scope

Project Leadership and Society (PLS) is an academic and gold open access journal. As a sister open access journal of the Journal of Project Management, the leading journal in the field of Project Management, PLS opens up for novel approaches that study projects and relate them to society. Society is considered in a broad sense, including policy, leadership and managerial practice. PLS articles study the interaction between projects, project leadership, project management on the one hand, and economic, social, political and organizational processes, on the other. Project leadership and management are seen in a broad sense including project based management, project-oriented management and Project Management Office (PMO) Management. All papers are expected to yield findings that have implications for policy or practice. We are especially interested in leadership in a project society that includes all types of projects, programs, project portfolios, project-oriented organizations, project networks, project industries. Interesting topics to study projects from a broader perspective include; vertical leadership, shared leadership, change, projectification, resilience, sustainable development, responsibility, career, stakeholder engagement, novel perceptions on value creation and project success. Project leadership and project leaders, teams and individuals in specific situations like crisis, extreme situations, disaster are of interest to the journal. PLS welcomes papers that enhance our understanding of theory and practice of Project Leadership, but also papers on education and novel research practices are welcome to disrupt the development of future project leaders and the way research is organized in a project society. [1]

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