Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2451-828X ( Print )   |   2451-8298 ( Online )   Active

Journal Chinese as a Second Language

Aim & Scope

Chinese as a Second Language — The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CSL), is the academic journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA). The journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles in English or Chinese (either simplified or traditional characters) that make a significant contribution to the theory and practice of Chinese as a second language. Articles in all areas of Chinese pedagogy and acquisition are welcome, especially those that are empirically based and offer new perspectives and/or refine or challenge existing practices of teaching Chinese as a second language. Contributions in areas such as Chinese program management, curriculum design and teaching Chinese culture and literature in Chinese language classrooms are also welcome. In addition to research articles, CSL also publishes book reviews, commentaries and short contributions that report on new discovery and development in the field of Chinese as a second language. [1]

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