Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2575-193X ( Print )   |   2575-1379 ( Online )   Active

Journal American Journal of Management Science and Engineering

Aim & Scope

American Journal of Management Science and Engineering (AJMSE) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that provides an international forum for researchers, scholars and practitioners of management science and engineering to share experiences and communicate ideas. The journal prefers the submitted manuscript, which meets the internationally accepted criteria and the style of the journal for the purpose of both reviewing and editing. Articles published in the journal are expected to provide important information that facilitates new scientific discovery and innovation in the field of management science and engineering. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Data Mining; Decision Analysis; DSS (Decision Support System); Ecological Engineering; Engineering Design; Forecasting; Game theory; Industrial Engineering; Industrial Management and Industrial Engineering; Information Management and Information Technology; Logistics; Low Carbon Engineering; Material Engineering; Mathematical Modeling; Mathematical Programming; Mechanical Engineering; Optimization; Probability and Statistics; Project Management; Risk Management; Scheduling and Control; Simulation; Supply Chain Management; System Analysis; Transportation; Uncertain Decision Theory. [1]

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