Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2575-2227 ( Print )   |   2575-1573 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences (IJPBS) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal, which aims to promote the theory and practice of psychological and brain sciences. The journal prefers the submitted manuscript, which meets the internationally accepted criteria and the style of the journal for the purpose of both reviewing and editing. The journal is designed to serve researchers, scholars and practitioners and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in psychological and brain sciences. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Behavioral Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Counseling Psychology; Cultural Psychology; Economic Psychology; Educational Psychology; Environmental Psychology; Ethics in Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Health Psychology; Industrial and Personnel Psychology; Managerial and Leadership Psychology; Measurement/Assessment; Professional Practice; Psychology of Religion; Psychotherapy; School Psychology; Social Psychology; Sport Psychology; Cognitive Science; Cognitive Neuroscience; Developmental Neuroscience; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience; Neural Engineering; Neuroimaging; Neurolinguistics; Clinical Neuroscience; Systems Neuroscience; Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience. [1]

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