Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2472-1360 ( Print )   |   2472-1387 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Dental Medicine

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Dental Medicine (IJDM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal, published bimonthly, provides an international forum for the presentation of research findings and scholarly exchange in the area of dentistry and alied health sciences. International Journal of Dental Medicine agrees to accept manuscript prepared in accordance with, and focused on dental and oral health. Although preference is given to manuscripts presenting the findings of original research, review, case report and methodological pieces will also be considered. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Oral anatomy; Dental anatomy; Oral histology; Dental histology; Oral physiology; Cell biology; Dental pharmacology; Oral pathology; Oral microbiology; Immunology; Hematology; Oral medicine; Oral radiology and imaging; Oral surgery; Maxillofacial surgery; Maxillofacial anesthesiology; Operative dentistry; Endodontics; Pedodontics; Gerodontics; Orthodontics; Dentofacial orthopedics; Prosthodontics; Implant dentistry; Oral rehabilitation; Temporomandibular joint disorders and occlusion; Myofacial dysfunction. [1]

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