Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2472-2200 ( Print )   |   2472-2235 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal on Data Science and Technology

Aim & Scope

International Journal on Data Science and Technology (IJDST) publishes papers in the field of data building, mining, securing and analyzing concepts and techniques. The journal presents original papers, reviews and letters. The main goal of this journal is to advance the understanding the concept of data security and analysis in distributed environments. The journal is addressed to data science and other interested topic in data mining, analysis and security in Big data. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to: Computer science; Computational mathematics; Computer engineering and scientific computing for programmer; Data and web mining; Big data security and analysis; Data science; Knowledge extraction and knowledge management; Applications of computer science in modeling; Visualization and multimedia; Data and information systems; Internet and distributed computer systems; Semantic web technologies and Social semantic web; Graphics and imaging; Bio-informatics; Computational mathematics; Computer vision; Digital systems; Computational topology; Information personalization; Network security. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2
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