Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2053-0811 ( Print )   |   2053-082X ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Data Science

Aim & Scope

With the Age of Big Data upon us, we risk drowning in a flood of digital data. Big data spans five dimensions (volume, variety, velocity, volatility and veracity), generally steered towards one critical destination - value. Big data has now become a critical part of the business world and daily life. Containing big information and big knowledge, big data does indeed have big value. IJDS confronts the challenges of extracting a fountain of knowledge from "mountains" of big data. Topics covered include: Big data cloud, mining and management; Big data storage, processing, sharing and visualisation; Big data systems, tools, theory and applications; Business analytics, intelligence and mathematics; Computer science, hacking skills; Informatics and information systems and technology; Machine learning, web-based decision making; Management science, social sciences and statistics; Mathematical optimisation and mathematics of decision sciences; Multiple source data processing and integration; Network and social-graph analysis; Optimisation, performance measurement; Security and privacy; System analysis and theory; Volume, velocity and variety of big data on cloud. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 4
Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
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