Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2304-2613 ( Print )   |   2305-8730 ( Online )   Active

Journal Asian Business Review

Aim & Scope

Asian Business Review welcomes articles that deal with nations and societies in the Asian region, namely those in East Asia and South-East Asia, including those in APEC and ASEAN, individually or comparatively. Of interest also, are contributions on the Asian economies, comparing those inside with those outside, or those investing in it. Though we focus on research undertaken in Asia but welcome perspectives from other regions (African, American, etc.) of the world that enhance our knowledge in this area. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1
2 RESULTS in 19 msec

Adapting Businesses to the 6G Security Paradigm: Insights from Commerce 5.0

R Amin , D Goda , J Ande

Asian Business Review , 2024 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 7-18.


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AI-Optimized Customer Segmentation for Targeted Cryptocurrency Marketing

M Khair

Asian Business Review , 2024 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 19-30.


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