Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2691-1507 ( Print )   |   2691-1515 ( Online )   Active

Journal Information, Medium, and Society : Journal of Publishing Studies

Aim & Scope

Information, Medium, and Society: Journal of Publishing Studies explores the nature and forms of media and information, as manifest in publishing practices. Publishing is conceived as a distinctive mode of social knowledge and cultural production. The journal is a forum for sustained investigation of the theory and practice of scholarly communication, information science, and trade, technical and scholarly publishing. Its perspectives are both retrospective, documenting recent and historical experience, and prospective, examining trends in technologies and business processes that are destined to shape the social practices of publishing in the imminent future. It aims to be a resource for scholars, publishing professionals, librarians, collection managers, and media makers. Its authors address issues facing publishing in the era of digital information, with a shared interest in shaping the direction of change - in publishing and for the societies that it serves. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2003  -  2019  ) International Journal of the Book (  2020  -  9999  ) Information, Medium, and Society : Journal of Publishing Studies
2024 - VOLUME 23, ISSUE 2
1 RESULTS in 6 msec