Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2576-5310 ( Print )   |   2576-5329 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Aging and Social Change

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Aging and Social Change is an international journal for aging research. It features articles on the dynamic interplay between aging and society, exploring advances in social and behavioral science on aging, life-course and social change, involving (but not limited to) gerontology, sociology, demography, psychology, economics, communication science, education, epidemiology, public health, biology, nursing and medicine. The Journal of Aging and Social Change is devoted to multi- and interdisciplinary research that centers around social and behavioral science as well as to disciplinary approaches that are compatible and advantageous beyond merely discipline-specific discourses. Articles published in The Journal of Aging and Social Change focus on theoretical, conceptual and/or methodological advances, on the growth of empirical knowledge about age and aging in an increasingly diverse and changing global society, as well as on the impact and relevance of knowledge about aging for policies and the global society. Besides original empirical research articles, The Journal of Aging and Social Change includes brief research reports, articles that focus on theoretical and methodological advances, and review articles on cutting-edge topics. All submissions are peer-reviewed, supported by rigorous processes of criterion-referenced article ranking and qualitative commentary, to ensure the substance and significance of the published works. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2011  -  2017  ) International Journal of Aging and Society (  2018  -  9999  ) Journal of Aging and Social Change
2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1
8 RESULTS in 17 msec

“Hey, You Wanna Take This Kid Forever?”: The Impact of Substance Use Disorder on Relative-as-Parent Families in Idaho

No authors listed.

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-29.


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Risk Analysis of Principals and Adult Guardians: Japan’s Adult Guardianship System and Its Practice

No authors listed.

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 31-45.


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The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences for Older Transgender Adults on Chronic Disease and Health Behaviors

No authors listed.

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 47-75.


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A Good Life: Parents of Adults with Autism Envision their Child’s Late Life

No authors listed.

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 77-95.


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Experiences of Community Organizations Providing Services

V Poulin , V Provencher , M Levasseur , ... , M Raymond

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 123-157.


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Bridging the Gap between Functionality and User Experience in Smartwatch Design for Senior Adults

B Şener , A Yilmaz , İ Aktaş , C Usta

Journal of Aging and Social Change , 2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 , pp 179-195.


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