Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2673-3153 ( Print )   Active

Journal Frontiers in Reproductive Health

Aim & Scope

Frontiers in Reproductive Health publishes research from all disciplines relevant to human reproductive health. We endeavour to bring together research from different backgrounds, including basic, clinical and policy, and a multidisciplinary approach is key. Areas of interest are: Fertility, in men and women, and fertility related conditions such as endometriosis as well as treatments for infertility Sexually transmitted infections, including but not limited to HIV, and their prevention and treatment Nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors affecting fertility and development Policy, ethics, and human rights research in reproductive health. Epidemiology and social science research investigating the factors underlying reproductive health are also an important focus. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 3, identify reproductive health as a key area of focus for ensuring good health and well-being and Frontiers in Reproductive Health particularly welcomes research that addresses global reproductive health challenges and ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health care. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 6
54 RESULTS in 12 msec

Young female migrants and job placement brokers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A Erulkar , E Hailu

Frontiers in Reproductive Health , 2024 - VOLUME 6 , p 1241571.


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